Fallout: Nuclear Winter Wonderland
A year has passed since the Survivors put a stop to the evil plans of Robo-Testridge. The snow, however, never stopped, brought about by the work of the elusive Think Tank. Crops are failing, water pipes are freezing, and travel has gotten far more treacherous. The animals of the wasteland have seemingly adapted rapidly, and now new threats wander the snow-covered wasteland. With an invitation made to the settlement of Lilly-Belle, the Survivors are called to action again, to bring the weather back under control. Will they bring the fight to the Big Empty, or be buried and forgotten, another batch of corpses in a snowbank? Tune in to find out in ‘Nuclear Winter Wonderland!’
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The introduction of the survivors comes with the introduction of the dangers of the Mojave Wastes. Tall tales, plentiful caps, and strong ideals are all something worth risking life and limb for here it seems. That’s the problem with Pit Stops and General Stores out in the Wastes, you always seem to get more than you bargained for.
Carter – Adarael
Channel – Legacy
Dr. Hoffman – Alereg
Iris – Termite
Storyteller – Solomon
Opening Theme: Don’t Mess With Me by Ziv Grinberg
Listener Discretion Advised. This show is intended for a mature audience.
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